Step One
In order to add a new post you need to go to your Admin Menu and click on ‘Posts’ and click ‘Add New’.
Step Two
Once you have clicked ‘Add New’, the Add New Post page should appear. First, you will need to add a post title. To do this click the top input box of the page and type in the post title, like the screenshot below.
Step Three
Next, you can start typing in your posts content. You also have the option to add content. Please see the section with regards to adding content and then return to the next step.
If you want to use advanced settings you can click on the Backend Editor and Frontend Editor and follow the tutorials in our ‘Visual Composer’ documentation.
Step Four
Once you’ve added your content, you can now publish your post by clicking on the purple ‘Publish’ button in the right sidebar. You also have the option to ‘Save Draft’ and to ‘Preview’.